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Najlepszy wybór Nowe Aesthetic 3D Lighting: History, Theory, and Application Nowe The Complete Guide to Photorealism for Visual Effects, Visualization and Games: For Visual Effects, Visualization and Ga Nowe The Urban Sketching Handbook Understanding Light: Portraying Light Effects in On-Location Drawing and Painting: 14 Nowe Painting with Light Najlepsza wartość Nowe Animation Lighting And Color: Enhancing The Visual Impact Of Animated Films Nowe Lights, Camera, Action: The Ultimate Guide to DIY Filmmaking Essentials Nowe Introduction to Visual Effects: A Computational Approach Nowe Human Centric Integrative Lighting: Technology, Perception, Non-Visual Effects Nowe Visual Effects Magic: Elevating Animation Filmmaking To New Heights Nowe Visual Effects for Indie Filmmakers: A Guide to VFX Integration and Artist Collaboration Nowe The Art of Landscape Lighting: A Designer's Companion Nowe Picture Perfect Flash: Using Portable Strobes and Hot Shoe Flash to Master Lighting and Create Extraordinary Portraits Nowe Visual and Non-Visual Effects of Light: Working Environment and Well-Being Nowe The Art of Filmmaking: Mastering Essential Techniques Behind the Camera Nowe Interior Lighting: Fundamentals, Technology and Application