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Najlepszy wybór Nowe Smart Urban and Rural Planning Techniques Nowe Community in Urban-Rural Systems: Theory, Planning, and Development Nowe Human-Centered Urban Planning and Design in China: Volume I: Urban and Rural Planning: 129 Najlepsza wartość Nowe Development of India's Urban, Rural and Regional Planning in 21st Century Policy Perspective Nowe Planning on the Edge: The Context For Planning At The Rural-Urban Fringe Nowe Introduction to Rural Planning: Economies, Communities and Landscapes Nowe Culture and Rural–Urban Revitalisation in South Africa: Indigenous Knowledge, Policies, and Planning Nowe New EraNew PlanningNew EducationProceedings of 2018 China Urban and Rural Planning Education Annual Conference(Chinese E Nowe Planning, Markets and Rural Housing Nowe Rural Planning Futures: Principles, Policy, Practice in the UK and Ireland Nowe The Geography of Urban-Rural Interaction in Developing Countries: Essays for Alan B. Mountjoy: 7 Nowe Landscape Planning and Rural Development: Key Issues and Options Towards Integration Nowe Participatory Rural Planning: Exploring Evidence from Ireland Nowe Le città della campagna. Il paesaggio rurale nel progetto urbano Nowe Slow Urban Planning: The Future of Tribsees