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Najlepszy wybór Nowe Israeli Periodicals and Serials in English and Other European Languages: A Classified Bibliography Najlepsza wartość Nowe An Etymological Dictionary of Persian, English and Other Indo-European Languages Vol 2: Volume 2 - Etymological Charts Nowe An Etymological Dictionary of Persian, English and Other Indo-European Languages Vol 1: Volume 1 - Index of Words in Dif Nowe Swimming; With Lists of Books Published in English, German, French and Other European Languages and Critical Remarks on Nowe The Indo-European Languages Nowe The Nature and Origin of the Noun Genders in the Indo-European Languages: A Lecture Delivered on the Occasion of the Ses Nowe Areal Convergence in Eastern Central European Languages and Beyond: 44 Nowe Short Stories in Norwegian for Beginners Nowe The Languages of the World Nowe The Other Languages of Europe: Demographic, Sociolinguistic and Educational Perspectives: 118 Nowe Trübner's Collection of Simplified Grammars of the Principal Asiatic and European Languages (Classic Reprint) Nowe Indo-European Cognate Dictionary Nowe The Indo-European Controversy: Facts and Fallacies in Historical Linguistics Nowe Imaginary Languages: Myths, Utopias, Fantasies, Illusions, and Linguistic Fictions Nowe Types of Agreement in English and Other Languages